[Eric] Porting eric6 to FreeBSD

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Sun Mar 8 10:01:58 GMT 2015

> >> 3. Preferences -> Editor -> Style -> Folding style: may I edit colour
> >> of (dotted) folding line? I usually use dark desktop style and even
> >> dotted but white line is too bright to me.
> > 
> > The fold marker background changes this.
> My terminology is flaky today. :-(
> I'm not sure how to name this line in English (I called it folding
> line):
> -----
> if <condition>
>   | <code>
>   | <code>
> end
> -----
> That line (I marked as"|") appears to be at UI a dotted one. The
> question is may I change the colour of that line.

The fold markers background changes the color of this line as well. Fold markers as well as the 
line indicating the fold context are affected by this color setting.

> Detlev, thank you for your time and effort.-- 
*Detlev Offenbach*
detlev at die-offenbachs.de
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