[Eric] PyQt-Slot for QtWidget (QComboBox) created during runtime

GM mossl at gmx.net
Sun Sep 23 13:39:06 BST 2018

Hi @all,

I've created a dialog-window with an QTableWidget. Users can add a row 
by using a pushbutton. In a cell of the new row appears a QComboBox. How 
can changes of this QComboBox trigger a function?

It's no problem for to text-only-cells (I can use:

     @pyqtSlot(int, int)
     def on_tableWidgetX_cellChanged(self, row, column):
         print("cell changed: ", row, column)

which works as intended.)

Functions like

     def on_tableWidgetX_itemChanged(self, item):

     def on_tableWidgetX_itemClicked(self, item):

never recieve a signal.

I think the QComboBox can not send a aignal. Originally the "Generate 
Dialog Code..."-dialog suggests to pass a "QTableWidgetItem*" to the 
pyqtSlot, but this Item is created during runtime, so it can not be 
found in the Ui_Dialog...

Any suggestions?


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