[Eric] Support network for eric, conda, and internet connection

Christos Sevastiadis csevast at auth.gr
Sun Sep 16 16:47:03 BST 2018


conda combines pip and virtualenv offering extra package version checking
for automatic upgrading and degrading. I think it is better than the
official pip and virtualenv but the package installation cooperates only
with Anaconda repository and not with PyPI. Anaconda In the installed
Anaconda distribution for Python, both conda and pip can be used. I never
managed Packages and Virtual Environments of any kind through Eric or any
other IDE for Python. I always manage them through cmd prompt. But in Eric
somebody should be able to choose the existing Virtual Environments and
their python interpreters, and, of course, change the environment variables
etc. for running and debugging the Python scripts. A workflow can have
different projects running in different virtual environments with specific
environment variables settings. So, it is important in each Eric project to
be saved these setting.

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