[QScintilla] Qt Creator 3.0.1 QScintilla plugin?

Jeremi Roivas jeremi.roivas at gmail.com
Sun Apr 27 15:54:09 BST 2014

Here is what Qt Creator says in tools-Form Editor-About Designer plugin:

Cannot load library 
The specified module could not be found.

So why this does not work, I have compiled the full Qscintilla2.dll and 
SCintilla2.a as static version and use mingw32-make install to install 
them to default qt environment paths.

Jeremi Roivas

27.4.2014 17:42, Jeremi Roivas kirjoitti:
> Hello I finally was able to compile the designer plugin with Qt5.2.1 
> qt commandline program with mingw32-make. I be more spesifig I have 
> build Qt Creator from source with same commandline as I wanted the 
> creator be GCC version also because other way the desinger plugin did 
> not seem to work with MSVC build QT Creator. How ever this exact same 
> issue remains. Qt Creator MinGW 32bit cannot load the designer plugin 
> even tho it is build exactly the same compiler than the Creator. I 
> used mingw32-make install and it installed the qscintillaplugin.dll to 
> ....5.2.1/plugins/designer.
> I have read from another mailing list that the plugin may not work 
> with Qt Creator? Is this true and what do I need to change in the 
> plugin code to be able to make QT Creator plugin?
> Regards
> Jeremi Roivas

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