[PyQt] Windows7 PyQt5 installer installs sip.exe but no sipconfig.py

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Thu Jun 26 18:46:22 BST 2014

On 26/06/2014 5:48 pm, Alan Ezust wrote:
> I was just wondering, I installed PyQt5 in c:Python33
> and I can see sip.exe is installed under lib/site-packages/pyqt5 but I
> can't find
> a corresponding sipconfig.py for that version of SIP, so it seems not
> very useful to me...
>  Is there a way to generate the sipconfig.py from an installed
> sip.exe?
> Or is this a bug in the windows installer? I wanted to wrap some
> additional qt libraries and make them available in python and I'm not
> sure if it is necessary or even desireable to install another copy of
> SIP.

sipconfig.py is deprecated and does not support PyQt5.


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