[PyKDE] More documention?

Peter Clark peter-clark at bethel.edu
Tue Aug 5 23:05:01 BST 2003

	Between the example programs packaged with PyQt and Boudewijn Rempt's book, 
I've been able to make pretty decent headway in learning PyQt through trial 
and error. However, at this point, I'm mostly parroting what I see, with only 
a vague comprehension as to what's going on. For example, take QMessageBox. 
What are the arguments that can be passed to it? I tried
>>> help(QMessageBox)
but that was decidedly _un_helpful. I'm currently using this code:

message = QMessageBox.warning(self, "Unsaved Record",
                "Warning, changes have not been saved. Quit?",
                "Yes", "No", None, 1, 0)

If "Yes" is selected, then it returns "0", otherwise "1". Great. I assume that 
the "1" argument is responsible, but what arguments do "None" and "0" supply?
	Is there anything that lists PyQt's functions and their arguments somewhere? 
Surely there must be some more nitty-gritty documentation as to how 
everything works?
Oh what a tangled web they weave who try a new word to conceive!

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