[Eric] Feature request/suggestion (feature modification suggestion, really)

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Sat May 21 18:21:25 BST 2016

Hi Mike,

I integrated your new dialog into eric6 (default branch). However, as it search in files of 
the current project I put it into the 'Project' package. I fixed a few issues (code bugs, code 
style issues) and added the case insensitive search as a fall back.

Thanks for contributing this code.


On Monday 16 May 2016, 11:04:34 Mike C. Fletcher wrote:
> On 2016-05-16 09:40 AM, Tobias Rzepka wrote:
> > Hello Mike,
> > 
> > sounds for me like a great improvement. Even I didn't checked your
> > implementation yet, I would suggest to put it onto CTRL-G. Actually
> > it's goto line (on Windows), but it should be easy, to include the
> > goto line into the new functionality if not already done. So the
> > search in files dialog would still coexist, e.g. to search all files,
> > not only code.
> > 
> > Mike and Detlev: What do you think about it?
> To be clear, this is a dialog to find by file-name, not by file content.
> That is, you want to find the "models.py" file from "appname" quickly
> you do <ctrl-alt-f> appname models <enter> and you've opened that file.
> I'd be very hesitant to add "jump to line" to that unless there was a
> strong use-case.
> <ctrl-g> (goto line) is, in my experience, far too heavily used to be
> made more complex unless we've got a real need for it (e.g. I could
> imagine having a search mode that took a copy-pasted traceback line:
>        File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line
> 2363, in load_entry_point
> and directly jumped to the file and line indicated). But I can't think
> of many other use cases where I'm trying to find a file by name and also
> happen to explicitly know the line number to which I want to jump in
> that target file.
> Always-interested-to-hear-of-a-new-use-case, though, ly-yrs,
> Mike
> > Mike C. Fletcher schrieb am 16.05.2016 um 04:07:
> >> On 2016-05-14 06:06 AM, Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> >>> Hi Mike,
> >>> 
> >>> thanks for letting us know. Please make sure you base your work on
> >>> the default branch because the 6_1_x brand (aka eric 6.1) is feature
> >>> frozen. It just receives bug fixes.
> >> 
> >> Okay, so I've got it working to the level where I'm pretty satisfied
> >> with the speed/utility of the find-file operation (note: haven't done
> >> any heavy hacking with it yet, so it could be I'll find other bits
> >> that would be useful).
> >> 
> >> I've hooked it up for now to replace the FindFileNameDialog, as I
> >> only ever use the "Find in Project" version. It may be that it should
> >> be hooked up under a different key-binding/menu-item if you decide to
> >> pull it into the project. I built this dialog as a separate
> >> module/form (though it's just based on the FindFileNameDialog), as
> >> the functionality is somewhat different than the original dialog.
> >> 
> >> Basic functionality:
> >> 
> >> * space-separated search terms
> >> * finds that subset of items which have the most matches for the
> >> search terms
> >> * sorts the subset based on the terms matching in-order, then on the
> >> most-recent modification time (this actually hits the file system
> >> with a stat-per-file, but even on huge projects this doesn't seem to
> >> cause a noticeable delay)
> >> * provides key-bindings for enter (select current), escape (cancel
> >> navigation) and up/down (select previous/next match in the list)
> >> 
> >> I've pushed the code up on BitBucket so you can pull from there if
> >> you're interested in the functionality.
> >> 
> >> https://bitbucket.org/mcfletch/eric/overview
> >> 
> >> Take care, and thanks,
> >> Mike
> >> 
> >>> Am 13.05.2016 um 22:26 schrieb Mike C. Fletcher:
> >>>> On 2016-05-06 12:26 PM, Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> >>>>> Hi Mike,
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> sounds like a great idea. How about contributing the suggested
> >>>>> modifications?
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> Maybe somebody else is interested, in case Mike can't do it?
> >>>> 
> >>>> I've started into work on it... I've got a hacked-up proof of
> >>>> concept dialog that does the basics but still needs work to get
> >>>> key-bindings and the like worked out.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Anyway, just wanted to avoid someone duplicating the work. Take care,
> >>>> Mike
> >>>> 
> >>>>> Detlev
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> On Friday 06 May 2016, 12:07:44 Mike C. Fletcher wrote:
> >>>>> > Hi Detlev (and everyone else),
> >>>>> > 
> >>>>> > 
> >>>>> > 
> >>>>> > There's a feature I keep seeing in Atom and other IDEs that is
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> *really*
> >>>>> 
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