[Eric] Questions about zh_CN l10n on Linux

YANG Boyuan 073plan at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 04:15:51 GMT 2016

Hi all,

First of all, thank you for your work on eric. I was experiencing some
problems about using Chinese(China) localization files on desktop
Linux. I noticed that the current file is called
"eric6_zh_CN.GB2312.qm" in /usr/share/qt/translations/ directory, and
thus the file is not recognized by eric now. I have to rename the file
to "eric_zh_CN.qm" to make it effective.

So my question is that is the "GB2312" suffix still useful? Now that
locales like GB2312/GBK/GB18030 is largely replaced by UTF-8 nowadays
on desktop Linux, should we just eliminate the suffix, or will there
any problems on other platforms such as on OS X and Windows?


Boyuan Yang

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