[Eric] Eric 5.5.0 compatibility

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Sun Nov 2 16:27:07 GMT 2014


On Sunday 02 November 2014, 15:41:07 Pietro Moras wrote:
> Is it thus correct to say that Eric 5.5.0 can be installed and then operate:
>  – in a pure Python 2 environment, or
>  – in a pure Python 3 environment, or
>  – in a mixed (compatible) Python 2 and 3 environment, as well?

That is three times yes. However, only one Python interpreter type is used to execute 
eric; the one it was installed with. A parallel installation can be done using the -y switch 
with install.py. This makes an eric5_py2 or eric5_py3 instead of a plain eric5. Same 
happens to all the various tools delivered with eric.

*Detlev Offenbach*
detlev at die-offenbachs.de
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