[Eric] Ubuntu Package for 4.5.11 (perhaps debian too)

David david at hackbinary.com
Mon May 27 20:20:05 BST 2013

Good evening all,

I just wanted to introduce myself to the list as a potential new
contributor ... I'm not sure how much time I can commit to giving on an
ongoing basis, but I do have some itches to scratch.

The first itch is:
The package that is based off of v 4.5.8 segfaults on both my systems of
Kubuntu 13.04.

This made me sad, so I downloaded verison 4.5.10, then 4.5.11, worked fine.

I then packaged them up, they would be integrated nicely in to my Kubuntu

I'm not sure if I have done the packaging 100%--or even 50%--correctly
because I had to edit some of the debian script files, specifically:
a.) get_translations.py
b.) rules
in addition to updating various other files for the vision number.

So, my question is there a way I can contribute my work back to the
community?  Presumably this is yes, so what I really need to know is where
to contribute my work back?  What is the best way to this?



Email   |  david at hackbinary.com

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 - J.B.S. Haldane
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