[Eric] Eric5 and PyQt4 for python2 and python3 coexistence

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Mon Aug 29 10:17:27 BST 2011

On Sun, 28 Aug 2011 19:19:18 -0400, Mikhail Terekhov <termim at gmail.com>
> Detlev,
> I'm trying to create rpm packages for eric5, sip, PyQt4 and PyQScintilla
> for
> python3 for SuSE and encountered the following problem. The sip, PyQt4
> PyQScintilla packages for python2 and python3 install conflicting files
> (/usr/bin/pylupdate4, /usr/bin/pyrcc4, /usr/bin/pyuic4,
> /usr/share/sip/PyQt4/*). Some of these could be moved in some common for
> python2/python3 package as they look python version independent but
> script has hard coded python version and the only way I see to solve
> is
> to rename python3 version to something like py3uic4. The problem is that
> eric5 code the name of this script is hard coded. Would it be possible
> make it configurable in the preferences dialog or may be use the pyuic
> module directly depending on the project python version?
> Regards,

pylupdate4, pyrcc4 and pyuic4 will all run under python2 and python3. The
only hard-coding in pyuic4 is the #! line which can be changed to whatever
you want.


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