[Eric] Eric5 and PyQt4 for python2 and python3 coexistence

Mikhail Terekhov termim at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 00:19:18 BST 2011


I'm trying to create rpm packages for eric5, sip, PyQt4 and PyQScintilla for
python3 for SuSE and encountered the following problem. The sip, PyQt4 and
PyQScintilla packages for python2 and python3 install conflicting files
(/usr/bin/pylupdate4, /usr/bin/pyrcc4, /usr/bin/pyuic4,
/usr/share/sip/PyQt4/*). Some of these could be moved in some common for
python2/python3 package as they look python version independent but pyuic4
script has hard coded python version and the only way I see to solve this is
to rename python3 version to something like py3uic4. The problem is that in
eric5 code the name of this script is hard coded. Would it be possible to
make it configurable in the preferences dialog or may be use the pyuic
module directly depending on the project python version?

Mikhail Terekhov
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