[Eric] eric 4.1.1 interactive python console problem

Christof Hanke hanke at csc.fi
Wed Mar 5 06:31:57 GMT 2008


Rafał Zawadzki wrote:
> Hello. I've just upgrade after reinstall my PyQT to new Eric 4.1.1.

> "c:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\eric4\DebugClients\Python\DebugClientBase.py", 
> line 980, in connectDebugger
>     sock.connect((DebugAddress,port))
>   File "<string>", line 1, in connect
> socket.error: (10061, 'Connection refused')
This is the real error. The debug-client wants to connect via a TCP-socket to the
The reasons could be that

* the DebugServer is not runnning at all
* some firewall-stuff prevents you from opening local sockets
* the DebugServer is listening on a different port

> The main problem is that actually I haven't any working python shell in 
> Eric4.
> Before reinstall i had the same problem...
I don't know windows, but you can try to see if there are any
open TCP connections from "localhost" to "localhost" ?
A quick googling pointed me to "TCPView"
which might help.



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