[QScintilla] QScintilla issue - Column selecting, spaces, unstable, crash.

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Thu Nov 21 10:53:54 GMT 2019

Sorry, I can't reproduce this using the standard QScintilla example 

Can you try building a debug version of the QScintilla library and the 
example to see if you can get a useful coredump? Instructions are 


and run qmake like this...

     qmake CONFIG+=debug


On 11/11/2019 18:22, Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> Hello,
> I received an issue report related to column selecting with the mouse. 
> This
> causes eric to crash with a segmentation fault. I can reproduce it on 
> my
> development environment (Kubuntu 19.10, Python 3.7.5 and all latest 
> PyQt5/
> QScintilla wheels). Unfortunately I don't get any meaningful output in 
> the
> console.
> Hope this can be fixed.
> Regards,
> Detlev
> ----------  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  ----------
> New file. (txt, default. Not limited to txt type)
> Add line with only spaces, 64 should do. (tabs only line also effected)
> Try column select (CTRL+Mouse-Select) that line from start to end.
> Crashes half-way.
> (Really cripples line-sorting with leading/trailing blanks-line to 
> enforce
> full selection of all target data/lines)
> Version Numbers
> Python
> 3.5.2, 64-Bit
> Qt
> 5.13.2
> PyQt
> 5.13.2
> sip
> 5.0.0
> QScintilla
> 2.11.3
> WebEngine
> 73.0.3683.105
> eric6
> 18.11 (rev. 06e7d2941ead)
> Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia

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