[QScintilla] Slowdown with multiple widgets

Matic Kukovec kukovecmatic at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 23 15:34:18 GMT 2018

Hi guys,

I'm using PyQt5.11.3 and QScintilla2.10.8.

When I create a QMainwindow with a menubar and three QSplitters, with a QsciScintilla widget with a
custom lexer in one of them and empty frames into the other splitter slots, the QsciScintilla editor behaves normally.
But when I add a couple of custom widgets to the empty QFrames (no more than 30 into each QFrame, like pushbuttons with images and labels),
then when typing in the QsciScintilla editor becomes unbelievably slow. Pressing 10 keys in rapid succession hangs the editor
for a second and then the characters that were typed in appear instantly.

What is causing this, does anyone have any ideas?


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