[QScintilla] Fw: setAutoIndentStyle doesn't work

kristof.mulier at telenet.be kristof.mulier at telenet.be
Mon May 15 09:38:55 BST 2017

Hi Phil and Matic, 

I have adapted the "MyLexer" code according to your mails. I've added the "blockStart" and "blockEnd" functions: 

class MyLexer(QsciLexerCustom): 

def __init__ ( self , parent): 
super (MyLexer, self ). __init__ (parent) 

# Initialize styles 
# ---------------------------- 
self .setColor(QColor( "#ff000000" ), 0 ) # Style 0: black 
self .setColor(QColor( "#ff7f0000" ), 1 ) # Style 1: red 
self .setColor(QColor( "#ff0000bf" ), 2 ) # Style 2: blue 
self .setColor(QColor( "#ff007f00" ), 3 ) # Style 3: green 

# Auto indent 
# ------------ 
#self.setAutoIndentStyle(QsciScintilla.AiOpening | QsciScintilla.AiClosing) 
self .setAutoIndentStyle(QsciScintilla.AiMaintain) 


def blockStart( self ): 
# Define space separated string of indentation symbols 
return "{ ( :" 

def blockEnd( self ): 
# Define space separated string of indentation symbols 
return "} )" 


''' End class ''' 

Unfortunately, it still doesn't work. Do you have any idea why? 
Thank you very much for your help. Please feel free to post your answers on the StackOverflow question: 


In this way, many more people can benefit from it ;-) 

Kind greetings, 

Kristof Mulier 

Van: "kukovecmatic" <kukovecmatic at hotmail.com> 
Aan: "QScintilla" <qscintilla at riverbankcomputing.com> 
Verzonden: Maandag 15 mei 2017 00:24:01 
Onderwerp: [QScintilla] Fw: setAutoIndentStyle doesn't work 

> On 14 May 2017, at 11:26 am, kristof.mulier at telenet.be wrote: 
> > 
> > Dear QScintilla users, 
> > 
> > Automatic indentation is a very nice feature offered by QScintilla. When inserting a new line, automatic indentation pushes the cursor to the same indentation level as the previous one. You have two options to switch on this feature: (1) call the function setAutoIndent(True) on the QsciScintilla editor or (2) call the function setAutoIndentStyle(..) on the lexer. 
> > 
> > The first option works. The second doesn't. For full details on the problem, please take a look at the following StackOverflow question: 
> > 
> > http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43962669/setautoindentstyle-on-the-qscintilla-lexer-doesnt-work 
> > 
> > Do you know the answer? 
> You have to implement the various block method (blockStart(), blockEnd() etc). 
> Phil 

Hey Phil, 

Tried implementing blockStart() and blockEnd() , but it throws a TypeError if using for example: 
[ https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/qscintilla ] 

def blockStart(self): 
return "{" 

def blockEnd(self): 
return "}" 

With a bit of trial&error I found that the methods need to return a tuple of (bytes, int). Why? 




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