[QScintilla] Long line scrolling?

Matic Kukovec matic.kukovec at pametnidom.si
Thu Mar 12 09:28:11 GMT 2015

On 11.3.2015 22:57, Baz Walter wrote:
> On 11/03/15 21:19, Matic Kukovec wrote:
>> Either line in the file should show the bug, just press the End key.
> You can access the end of the line by pressing END twice. The first 
> press goes to the limit of the horizontal scroll, and the second press 
> should put the caret at the end of the line as expected.
> There's also this:
> http://www.scintilla.org/ScintillaDoc.html#SCI_SETSCROLLWIDTHTRACKING
> but I haven't tried it, so I don't know whether it is an improvement.

Hi Baz,

The double END key thing sometimes works, sometimes it doesn't. When it 
doesn't, like in the example,
I have to press END repeatedly about 20 times to get to the end of the 
line, the amount it moves the
view it tiny.
Also tried SCI_SETSCROLLWIDTHTRACKING and it doesn't work. It only 
adjust the horizontal scrollbar
to the longest line in the document, but the longest line cannot be 
scrolled to the very end!

I tested and got this behaviour with the test file on Windows and 
Lubuntu Linux.


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