[QScintilla] Unable to add new keywords into already existing lexers.

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Fri Feb 24 12:16:43 GMT 2012

On Fri, 24 Feb 2012 07:01:40 -0500, Sarbojit Sarkar
<sarkar.iitr at gmail.com>
> Thanks Phil for your response.
> So you are saying subclass should work. It was not working because of
> missing space? I did that but still it is not working. I mean even after
> doing the changes suggested by you cpp lexer is not considering these
> strings as keywords.
> Also I try to put a breakpoint to see if "keywords" function created by
> is getting called or not. It is not getting called. I have not clue who
> suppose to make the call and why it is not calling.
> Please let me know if I am missing something here.

You need to provide a short, complete example that demonstrates the


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