[QScintilla] Annotation style?

Christopher Pow christopher_pow at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 2 17:06:02 BST 2011

I am having great difficulty applying a QsciStyle object to an annotation.  No matter what I do I can't get it to style the way I want.

I set up:

QsciStyle myStyle(-1,"Annotation",QColor(255,0,0),QColor(255,150,150),QFont("Courier New",-1,-1,true),true);

then later on I do:

myScintilla->annotate(line,"some text",myStyle);

The "some text" always comes out with color black, paper white and the default font.

What am I doing wrong?

I verified that myStyle is set up correctly and has been given the style # of 62.  I tried passing myStyle->style() to the annotate() API to get it to resolve to a different overload, but that gave the same results.
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