[PyQt] pyqtdeploy: compiler and linker errors with nmake after qmake

Jacob Kanev j_kanev at arcor.de
Wed Oct 24 11:01:34 BST 2018

Hi everybody, I have a problem compiling my application with pyqtdeploy. I've gone through the sysroot, build, and qmake process on Windows 10 for building a 32 bit application. However, in the build directory, the final "nmake release" fails. Two questions:

1. The compiler complains about "initializer is not a constant" in sysroot-win-32\src\Python-3.7.0\Modules\_abc.c. Changing line 69 in _abc.c from 
    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
fixes this. This is not so nice, probably even wrong, so would anyone know of a compiler switch to relax this constraint, to make the code compile without editing? Or am I missing anything else?

2. The linker complains about missing symbols: 
    pyqtdeploy_main.obj : LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _PyInit__struct
    xmlparse.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __Expat_LoadLibrary 
I've looked in the two python libs python3.lib and python37.lib, those symbols are not in there. Does anyone know where they're defined? Is there anything I'm missing?

Many thanks,
all the best, Jacob.

   Jacob Kanev
   Boomtime, 5th of The Aftermath, 3184
      email: jkanev at zoho.com  |  threema: PPJ6E4FY
      instagram: j_kanev | twitter: @j_kanev  | jabber: jkanev at jabber.ccc.de
      web: http://jkanev.info  |  blog: http://jacobkanev.wordpress.com

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