[PyQt] PyQt5.5.1

Simon Dible simon.dible at gmail.com
Sun Sep 27 23:24:08 BST 2015

> Thanks for the suggestion. I'm using the static build QT ship for
> windows in their installer. I've just taken the C++  example
> "examples/Qt-5.5/widgets/widget/movie" and added in a resource file,
> added in my animation.gif file to it and made that load on startup,
> this displays fine on Android.  I therefore assume my libraries are
> OK, unless i could have broken the static pyqt build?

It turns out that if I just use the resource string directly as shown
in the comments of qrc_pyqtdeploy.cpp, without and de-reference
relative to my script (as suggested on
pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/pyqtdeploy/pyrcc.html   ) then it works for
Android and Linux (I've not tested anything else)

As a side note it turns out android takes the icon for the main window
from the apk logo and not what setWindowIcon sets, but my button icons
now work.

Thanks for your time and suggestions.


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