[PyQt] Building PyQtChart

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Thu Oct 17 15:36:40 BST 2013

On Thu, 17 Oct 2013 10:15:17 -0400, Mark Mordeca
<mark.mordeca at prosensus.ca> wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> Thanks for your insight.  This has me in the right track however I am
> confused as to why the paths are turning out the way they are.  When I
> configure.py --help I get:
> c:\QtEnterprise\PyQtCharts\PyQtChart-commercial-1.3>python configure.py
> --help
> Usage: python configure.py [options]
> Options:
>   --version             show program's version number and exit
>   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
>   --spec=SPEC           win32-msvc2008
>   --configuration=FILE  FILE defines the target configuration
>   -d DIR, --destdir=DIR
>                         install the QtChart module in DIR [default:
>   --protected-is-public
>                         enable building with 'protected' redefined as
> 'public'
>                         [default: False]
>   --protected-not-public
>                         disable building with 'protected' redefined as
>                         'public'
>   --pyqt=PyQtn          configure for PyQt4 or PyQt5 [default: PyQt4]
>   --sip=FILE            the pathname of sip is FILE [default:
>                         *C:\Python27_64_UpgLibs\sip.exe*]
>   --sip-incdir=DIR      the directory containing the sip.h header file
> is
>                         DIR [default: *C:\Python27_64_UpgLibs\Include*]
>   --pyqt-sipdir=DIR     the directory containing the PyQt .sip files is
>                         [default: *C:\Python27_64_UpgLibs\sip\PyQt4*]
>   -v DIR, --qtchart-sipdir=DIR
>                         the QtChart .sip files will be installed in DIR
>                         [default: *C:\Python27_64_UpgLibs\sip\PyQt4*]
>   -c, --concatenate     concatenate the C++ source files
>   -j N, --concatenate-split=N
>                         split the concatenated C++ source files into N
> pieces
>                         [default: 1]
>   -k, --static          build the QtChart module as a static library
>   --no-docstrings       disable the generation of docstrings
>   -r, --trace           build the QtChart module with tracing enabled
>   -u, --debug           build the QtChart module with debugging symbols
>   -w, --verbose         enable verbose output during configuration
>   -T, --no-timestamp    suppress timestamps in the header comments of
>                         generated code [default: include timestamps]
> The default directories it picks up are the correct ones, however when I
> actually run configure.py:
> c:\QtEnterprise\PyQtCharts\PyQtChart-commercial-1.3>python configure.py
> PyQt 4.9.5 is being used.
> Qt 4.8.3 is being used.
> c:\QtEnterprise\PyQtCharts\PyQtChart-commercial-1.3>This is the
> versi
> on of PyQtChart 1.3.
> QtCommercialChart 1.3.0 is being used.
> PyQt 4.9.5 is being used.
> Qt v4.8.3 free edition is being used.
> SIP 4.14.1 is being used.
> The QtChart package will be installed in
> *C:\Python27_64\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4*.
> The QtChart .sip files will be installed in *C:\Python27_64\sip\PyQt4*.
> The QtChart module is being built with generated docstrings.
> Generating the C++ source for the QtChart module...
> sip: Deprecation warning:
> %Modul
> e version number should be specified using the 'version' argument
> sip: Deprecation warning:
> %Mod
> ule version number should be specified using the 'version' argument
> sip: Deprecation warning:
> %Opt
> ionalInclude is deprecated, use %Include and the 'optional' argument
> instead
> sip: Deprecation warning:
> %Opt
> ionalInclude is deprecated, use %Include and the 'optional' argument
> instead
> sip: Deprecation warning:
> %Opt
> ionalInclude is deprecated, use %Include and the 'optional' argument
> instead
> sip: Deprecation warning:
> %Opt
> ionalInclude is deprecated, use %Include and the 'optional' argument
> instead
> sip: C:\Python27_64\sip\PyQt4/QtCore/QtCoremod.sip:73: syntax error
> Error: Unable to create the C++ code.
> It is grabbing completely different python directories.  C:\Python27_64
> not even on  my path, C:\Python27_64_UpgLibs is.  Any help would be
> appreciated.

Given the old versions of SIP and PyQt you are using it's probably less
confusing to ignore configure.py and use configure-old.py instead. In your
situation the former falls back to the latter anyway.

It also looks like your PyQt .sip files are from an earlier version than


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