[PyQt] PyQt for 64-bit Python on Windows

Matt Newell newellm at blur.com
Tue Feb 17 09:26:09 GMT 2009

On Tuesday 17 February 2009 00:23:45 V. Armando Sole wrote:
> Hello,
> At 12:26 16/02/2009 -0800, Matt Newell wrote:
> >Qt and PyQt work fine with 64 bit windows but I've been unable to get a
> >working Qt so far with mingw-w64.  I've had success with visual studio
> > 2005 and could provide installers.  I will need a few days though as I am
> > busy with other things atm.
> I just wanted to add a comment. Considering python 2.6 is supplied compiled
> with VS2008, perhaps you should consider using VS2008 express edition
> instead of VS2005. It is also free and better packaged than the 2005
> version.
> If you are talking about a binary for python 2.5 then, please, forget about
> my comment.
> Best regards,
> Armando

So far I have compiled against python 2.5 with vs2005.   I do plan to compile 
against 2.6, so I will use vs2008 for that.  Ultimately I would like to have 
all versions built with mingw-w64 but there was a gcc bug causing a crash 
when instantiating QCoreApplication with the version I tried.  This bug may 
have been fixed in the meantime so I will hopefully have it working in the 
near future.

Phil, would you be willing to host the installers?


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