[PyQt] Using a protected slot (columnResized)

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.co.uk
Tue Dec 25 10:00:11 GMT 2007

On Tuesday 25 December 2007, Noam Raphael wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to know when the width of columns in a table has changed. So I
> wrote something like this:
> class TableView(QtGui.QTableView):
>     def columnResized(self, column, oldWidth, newWidth):
>         print 'columnResized(%r,%r,%r)' % (column,oldWidth,newWidth)
>         QtGui.QTableView.columnResized(self, column, oldWidth, newWidth)
> I then used my TableView instead of QtGui.QTableView. However, the
> method isn't called when a column is resized. Did I do something
> wrong? Should it be done in another way?

It isn't virtual so reimplementing it has no effect.


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