[PyKDE] C++ to Python Datatypes

Russell Valentine russ at coldstonelabs.org
Mon Oct 13 02:50:01 BST 2003

I'm having trouble sometimes figuring out what Python datatype goes with
the C++ datatype.

An example a 2x2 grayscale QImage:

**C++ Define

QImage ( uchar * yourdata, int w, int h, int depth, QRgb * colortable, int numColors, Endian bitOrder )

How do you know what type to use for uchar *yourdata?


grayColorMap = []
for i in range(256):
        grayColorMap.append(QColor(i, i, i).rgb())

buffer = []
buffer.append(255)     #white
buffer.append(0)       #black
buffer.append(255)     #white
buffer.append(0)       #black

image = QImage(buffer, 2, 2, 8, grayColorMap, 256, QImage.IgnoreEndian)

But I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./testQColor.py", line 22, in ?
    image = QImage(buffer, 2, 2, 8, grayColorMap, 256, QImage.IgnoreEndian)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/qt.py", line 439, in __init__
TypeError: Too many arguments to QImage(), 1 at most expected

I am confused. Thanks for any help!

Russell Valentine
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