AW: [PyKDE] Version wondering

Andrew Smart Andrew.Smart at
Sun May 18 21:13:00 BST 2003


I deinstalled all packages, removed them from the hard disk and
started again.

Base: Qt 2.3 non commercial on Windows

Qt 2.3 runs fine after installation.
I start installing PyQt. PyQt needs the "zlib.h" which is not
included in Qt 2.3. But I have them, because I acquired zlib separatly.
-> Compilation runs fine now.
-> Test failes, since the Makefile doesn't copy the created 
   Python files in "site-packages" (no, nmake install doesn't work)
=> after copying the files manually 
-> Test of PyQt : runs fine (I tried some examples)

Now to qscitella (official download):
If have no "qmake" like the README says, only tmake. But it works, 
and when I start to use "nmake" I get the message that there is a
header file missing: "qptrlist.h"

Which is nowhere to be found. Since I find some discussions
about "QList" and "QPtrList" in the KDE mailing lists I guess:
is must have something to do with name changes. But I have
no idea how to solve it.

But! I have also the sources of "scitella". I try building scitella.
No problem, the dlls are on the right place.
But still no "qptrlist.h".

Don't know further from this point. Last time I tried Qt 3.1.2 
which is obiously not the right way mixing sources from 3.1.2 with
sources from 2.3.

Can anyone help out? Please :-)


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