[PyKDE] ANNOUNCING PyQwt-sip34_20020807 - fixed problems on Win32

Peter Lipa porl3141 at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 20 01:09:01 BST 2002

Hi Gerard

I was just writing you an email when your bugfix mail came in .....

I did all the checks and the bugfix you suggested,  and almost everything
works now fine and stable, just as with the version
before (plus the printing in bodedemo.py is now working).
All but one of the pyqwt demos run fine.  The SliderDemo.pyw runs fine but
I  get  a segfault  (the usual "instruction 0x????? referenced memory at
0x?????" raised by the pythonw.exe) when I quit the app either through the
window close box or the Close Menu item .
No clue why this happens,  at this point. (Don't have time to play with the
debugger and try to track it down, but I assume it's another bug in the Qwt

I send you the output of the windows instlaller bdist_wininst run in a
separate email that doesn't go on the mailing list.

Thanx for a all your work!

Peter Lipa
porl3141 at hotmail.com

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