Problem with editor - CTRL key erases selected text

Detlev Offenbach detlev at
Fri Jun 19 08:12:20 BST 2020


I re-tested this behavior again on my Ubuntu 20.04 virtual machine and I am 
not able to reproduce it. Everything works as expected. However, I am using 
eric in a Python virtual environment with newer Qt/PyQt than provide with 
Ubuntu 20.04.


Am Freitag, 19. Juni 2020, 07:31:42 CEST schrieb Massimo Del Fedele:
> Il 18/06/20 15:51, Henrik Pauli ha scritto:
> > Do you have a feature like "Tap Ctrl to show the location of the mouse"
> > turned on in your desktop environment?  I've seen some weird stuff happen
> > from that before (not with Eric in particular) on both Gnome and some
> > other DEs, and this is simply the first thing that popped to my mind when
> > reading your issue.> 
> > On Tue, 16 Jun 2020 at 02:00, Massimo Del Fedele <max at 
<mailto:max at>> wrote:
> >     Hi,
> >     
> >     I'm on Linux (Ubuntu 20.04), and I have an annoying problem with the
> >     editor : when I enter it, selecting some text and pressing the CTRL
> >     key (for example to issue a CTRL-C copy command) erases my text, so
> >     I've to undo the change.
> >     
> >     Following CTRL keypress behave normally, just the first one is weird.
> >     Then, if I leave the editor alone for a while (for example to test my
> >     app) and go back to it, the weird behaviour starts again : on FIRST
> >     CTRL keypress the selected text is erased, then all normal.
> >     
> >     Am I missing something, or it's a bug ?
> No, no special features on my ubuntu. Also, I didn't test it on 19.10, so I
> don't know if it's related to new release or not. I'll try to disable all
> gnome shell extensions, maybe it's related to one of them. The weird stuff
> is that other editors (geany, gnome editor, libreoffice and so on) behave
> normally.

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at

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