Problem with editor - CTRL key erases selected text

Detlev Offenbach detlev at
Tue Jun 16 16:21:28 BST 2020


I have never seen this on any of my machines. However, I haven't used it with 
latest Ubuntu yet. I am still on 19.10.


Am Dienstag, 16. Juni 2020, 01:20:37 CEST schrieb Massimo Del Fedele:
> Hi,
> I'm on Linux (Ubuntu 20.04), and I have an annoying problem with the editor
> : when I enter it, selecting some text and pressing the CTRL key (for
> example to issue a CTRL-C copy command) erases my text, so I've to undo the
> change.
> Following CTRL keypress behave normally, just the first one is weird.
> Then, if I leave the editor alone for a while (for example to test my app)
> and go back to it, the weird behaviour starts again : on FIRST CTRL
> keypress the selected text is erased, then all normal.
> Am I missing something, or it's a bug ?

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at

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