[Eric] ANN: eric 20.4 released

Mikhail Terekhov termimd at yandex.com
Thu Apr 9 18:30:39 BST 2020

Thank you!

On 4/9/20 11:31 AM, Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> Oops. I forgot about the icon extension search order, which is .svgz, .svg, 
> .png. That means, the new ones will be found first (extension before 
> directories). There is already a TODO to make the basic icon set determination 
> configurable. That option will probably be in the 20.5 release due beginning of 
> May.
> Detlev
> Am Mittwoch, 8. April 2020, 17:50:40 CEST schrieb Mikhail Terekhov:
>> I've tried to add the path to the default icon set, restarted eric, but
>> the icons still were the new ones.
>> If I click on the Show button in the Icons configuration page it shows
>> correct (old) icons preview though.
>> It is a matter of personal taste, of course, but I do not like the new
>> icon set. Other than that there is no any issue :)
>> On 4/8/20 11:31 AM, Detlev Offenbach wrote:
>>> Hello Mikhail,
>>> you can do so via the Icons configuration page. What is the issue with the
>>> vector icons?
>>> Detlev
>>> Am Mittwoch, 8. April 2020, 17:14:32 CEST schrieb Mikhail Terekhov:
>>>> On 4/5/20 6:42 AM, Detlev Offenbach wrote:
>>>>> Hello Pythonistas,
>>>>> I just uploaded eric 20.4. It fixes some bugs and adds these new
>>>>> features.
>>>>>   * General
>>>>>   * included a new icon set based on the Breeze icons of KDE
>>>> Hello Detlev,
>>>> Is it possible to configure eric to old icon set be used?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Mikhail
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