[Eric] Eric IDE start takes server 100% CPU minutes. How to make it start faster?

Mateusz mateusz-lists at ant.gliwice.pl
Tue Jan 22 10:59:46 GMT 2019

On poniedziałek, 21 stycznia 2019 19:02:27 CET Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> this depends on which eric6 additions you have loaded. 
I was using more or less default Kubuntu eric6 install, without  any additions 
loaded by me.

> The 'eric Assistant
> Plug-in' for example checks all source files for changes and if it finds
> changed ones updates it completion database. 
> The progress is shown in the
> status bar. 

During that serveral minutes whole GUI is frozen (like busy task was done in 
Qt event loop) so I do not see any progress (eric6 windows is not updated in 
any way).

Menu/Plugins/Plugins Info 
lists several (Active=Yes) plugins, I will disable them to check if load 
project time lowes, any other settings I should disable/check ?

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	krótko mówiąc - podpora społeczeństwa."
		Nikos Kazantzakis - "Grek Zorba"

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