[Eric] Eric IDE start takes server 100% CPU minutes. How to make it start faster?

Mateusz mateusz-lists at ant.gliwice.pl
Mon Jan 21 09:38:13 GMT 2019

I have project with several hunder of .py files.
When I open project file eric becomes stuck for serveral minutes eating 100% 
CPU of one core.
I tested it with default ubuntu 18.04 eric version and recent source 
installation (eric 19.01).
What is eric busy doing and is any way how can I make it start faster?

TIA, regards,

(...) mam brata - poważny, domator, liczykrupa, hipokryta, pobożniś,
	krótko mówiąc - podpora społeczeństwa."
		Nikos Kazantzakis - "Grek Zorba"

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