[Eric] eric6 and PyQt 5.12

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Wed Feb 13 19:48:59 GMT 2019

Hello eric6 users,

Phil has released PyQt 5.12 and QScintilla 2.11. Please note that the current 
eric6 release (19.02) is not compatible. This issue has been fixed. The fix 
will be part of release 19.03. Whoever needs this fix urgently is asked to get 
the current eric6 sources (default branch) and install these.

Please note as well, that QScintilla 2.11.0 contains an issue on 64-bit 
Windows, which needs a workaround in eric. Phil will fix this shortly with a 
2.11.1 release.

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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