[Eric] Help with automatic placement of compiled resource file / automated import statement

Orestes Mas orestes at tsc.upc.edu
Sun Nov 18 12:54:45 GMT 2018


I'm having a little problem with Eric's automatic form/resource 
compiler. Let's say I've the following directory structure:

Project's top directory
\___ (file) main.py
\___ (dir) resources
|   |
|   \___ (files) various image/icon files
|   \___ (file) resource.qrc
|   \___ (file) resource_rc.py (compiled resource file, Eric-generated)
\___ (dir) ui
     \___ (file) mainwindow.ui
     \___ (file) configdialog.ui
     \___ (file) Ui_mainwindow.py  (compiled, Eric-generated)
     \___ (file) Ui_configdialog.py  (compiled, Eric-generated)

The problem is that in the "Ui_*" files that Eric generates 
automatically he inserts a
"import resources_rc" line which fails at runtime because "resources_rc" 
isn't located at "ui" directory.

The correct line should be "import resources.resources_rc" or "from 
resources import resources_rc". Alternatively, he should generate the 
compiled resource file at the top directory, where "main.py" resides. 
Meanwhile, I'm copying manually the "resources_rc.py" file to the top 
directory every time I change the resources.

Unfortunately, I've not found how to indicate Eric neither of these two 
solutions. Perhaps is easy, but I'm new to Eric and I'm still learning.

Any help will be appreciated.


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