[Eric] Tech.Report about Deployment

Christos Sevastiadis csevast at auth.gr
Wed Nov 7 21:26:07 GMT 2018

Dear Mr. Pietro Moras,

The subject of scientific computing in Python it is complicated because of
the plethora of multi depended Python packages. For that reason the Conda
virtual environment and Anaconda index repository manager is developed. My
setup is depended on Conda environments, and Anaconda index and PyPI

To come over with the Python, Conda and Eric computing ecosystem complexity
I developed some batch scripts (CMD in Windows). I automated the
installation of Python distribution with Miniconda, which is the minimal
installation of Anaconda distribution for Python, the creation of my
virtual environments with Conda, the installation of the desired packages
with Conda and Pip, and the installation of Eric with the cloning and setup
execution of its repository last revision. I consider that it is important
the Conda functionalities to be integrated to Eric but I really don't know
how to integrate a packaging of the mixture of Conda and Pip installed
packages, because of some differences in the installation directories
between them. I never tried cx-freeze or pyinstaller and I don't have any
specific experience on the subject of automatic on package deploying.

Christos Sevastiadis
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