[Eric] Tech.Report about Deployment

Studio - PM Studio-PM at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 6 06:33:32 GMT 2018

Dear Mr. Christos Sevastiadis,

   here we couldn't have found a better case-history. A real, badly needed chapter covering such indispensable conclusive step for, say, any scientific or engineering piece of software developed with the Eric IDE. A chapter I've not been able to write for lack of info, and conviction, and energy. That is, how to:

– How to make a physical parcel or a down-loadable directory where to put a working software item created with the Eric IDE, ready to be installed into a given target device where to use it.

   Simply that.

– Gotten some convincing answers, I would thoroughly verify the procedure up to final step, with some real examples. Only then I'd describe it into a Tech.Report of mine, to the benefit of the Eric's user community.

Well, here I'm not actually asking for real complete answers to the stated question, as I'm not committing myself in making good use of them. Just some testimony, some short feasibility statements would perfectly do. Thank you.


- P.M.

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