[Eric] Termination dialogue: change the label names?

Peter Silcock smallcreep at fastmail.fm
Thu Sep 15 13:04:04 BST 2016


If there are open and unsaved files, the termination dialogue offers
three choices: "Discard", "Abort", and "Save".  The effect of "Abort"
is to cancel the close procedure and return to the active application.

Personally I find the use of the term "Abort" inappropriate at the
least, if not to say offensive.  Abortion in the wider world refers
predominantly to the termination of a pregnancy and is a word that
conjures up a complex of emotions, whichever side of the fence one
stands.  To use it in this context is unnecessarily inflammatory when
the word "Cancel" is more descriptive and direct.

Might I suggest that this be changed in the upcoming version?  No doubt
the word appears elsewhere in Eric: it ought to be changed wherever it



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