[Eric] new user questions

Sebastian Elsner sebastianelsner at freenet.de
Sun Nov 17 22:32:18 GMT 2013

Am 17.11.2013 19:13, schrieb Detlev Offenbach:>
 > On Sunday 17 November 2013, 17:31:38 Sebastian Elsner wrote:
 >> Am 17.11.2013 15:25, schrieb Detlev Offenbach:
 >>>> * can I create custom templates or code skeletions like if I type
 >>>> "super" I can expand it to super(MyClass).__init__(parent)
 >>> Please check, if the built-in templates are what you have in mind
 >>> (Templates Viewer).
 >> This is what I was looking for (in the settings dialog, though :))!
 >> Only, I don't think I can insert them via some kind of autocompletion
 >> directly in the editor, right?! At least in the shortcut editor I have
 >> found no entry for templates.
 > That is done automatically when entering the start of a template name and
 > pressing Tab.


 >>>> * themes: it would be very nice to be able to define themes via
 >>>> QPalettes. Defining via stylesheets is nice and lets you do more than
 >>>> palettes, but it is way more difficult to get a consistent look if you
 >>>> "just" want to create a dark UI. For example I prefer the plastique
 >>>> style, but if I apply a stylesheet to make the ui dark, the scrollbar
 >>>> look like windows xp.
 >>> eric uses the Qt style by default. However, that can be changed via the
 >>> configuration dialog, Interface->Interface page. Here you may select a
 >>> different Qt style and assign a custom style sheet file to used (Qt 
 >>> sheet).
 >> I had already found that. My problem is more basic: using stylesheets I
 >> have to define styles for ALL widgets (just once for the QWidget base
 >> class does not work for all) or I will get strange looking results for
 >> some widgets. See the attached image: On the left I am using a
 >> stylesheet, on the right QPalette (which I quickly hacked in Eric5.py).
 >> Please note how the scrollbars degenerate from "plastique" to "Win xp"
 >> (on the left) whereas on the right they stay with plastique. There are
 >> also other subtle glitches like strange colors for tree items being
 >> selected but not in focus. I know this might be nitpicking, but I do
 >> design a lot of dark Qt ui for a living :)
 >>>> * plugins: is there any documentation on what a plugin needs to
 >>>> implement or can implement to get a certain behaviour? (technical
 > report
 >>>> does not give much information). I have the dark palette thing
 > working,
 >>>> but I would like to put it into a plugin for sharing.
 >>> The eric archive contains a document describing the plug-in system
 > and
 >>> the development of plug-ins. eric itself and the online eric plug-in
 >>> repository provide a bunch of plug-ins that can be used as examples.
 >>> However, style sheets need not be wrapped in a plug-in because you
 > can
 >>> load them directly (see above answer).
 >> The question was targeted at making the dark QPalettes a eric plugin. I
 >> get that qss does not need plugin wrapping.
 > Wouldn't it be better to create a dark Qt style and install that into 
Qt and
 > select it from within eric?

I have never done that before. Will check back with you one I have an 
update on this.

 > Detlev--
 > *Detlev Offenbach*
 > detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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