[Eric] eric4 indentation

Dan danmbox at gmail.com
Thu Nov 22 08:17:41 GMT 2012

> I believe you also have to set the same font for the language's lexer
> for indention guides to match the chosen default monospaced font.

Thanks. After experimenting a bit, I find it impossible to infer the
precedence order of the various font options, especially as the
highlighter styles allow you to set "size only" / "family only" / etc.

Moreover the "defaulted" settings don't seem to be discoverable from
the UI. That is, if I set a font to "family only" Courier, how does
the GUI tell me that the font size and font style (regular, bold) are

The font dialog combo boxes don't have a "default" or "blank" option.
It seems that when a setting is "defaulted", the combo box shows the
1st item of the list.

Many of dialogs show me oblique or italic font styles when I first
open them, though the editor area doesn't display any italics. I guess
that's a consequence of the above "1st item =
either-default-or-really-what-it-says" convention.

Where are the settings saved? Is there a way to reset all preferences
once they become a mess? I found both a ~/.eric4 (with a bunch of
subdirs) and a ~/.config/Eric4. These are conflicting configuration
conventions (but whatever).

Is there any documentation that addresses these bits? At least the
obscure / surprising / non-standard ones...

-- Dan

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