[Eric] Relative project path for project files

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Thu May 3 18:08:00 BST 2012


thanks for the patch. I'll have a look at it. Please be aware, that eric 
creates a hidden directory in the project directory for storing it's 
management data (like sessions, tasks, ...). If the rope refactoring plug-in 
is installed, it will create another hidden directory for the rope data.


Am Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2012, 16:14:20 schrieb Klenongan:
> We have this setup here where the project file cannot be saved at the
> root of the project directory. It was meant for a single build file (a
> Makefile, SConstruct, CMakeLists, or whatever.. with includes/imports
> to more files in the "buildsys/" when necessary) and a small textfile
> like README.txt describing what the project is, how to build it (what
> build system used, dependencies, commands, etc.), contact info. to
> people who responsible/maintain this, repository location, location of
> files, and so on.
> I don't like it but that's the way it is. I've been using (g)vim for
> Python for quite sometime, and this "requirements" didn't actually
> constrain me because vim just don't care about file locations. But
> once I bring eric to the table, I realize that I have to bend either
> the IDE (eric) or the rule because it seems eric project file (eg.
> project.c4p) expects to be located at the root of the project
> directory
> (http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/eric/2010-June/002622.html).
> Well, I decided to "bend" eric (ie. because I cant change the rules)
> and this is what I came up with:
>    https://gist.github.com/2584467
> I use a rather ugly "^^PROJECTPATH" key because it's a hack, of course
> the preferable name should be pdata["PROJECTPATH"] or something like
> that should the author(s) agree to my code.
> I hope the author(s) can consider it for adoption.
> ps. I'm sorry for any grammatical error(s), English is not my native
> language. _______________________________________________
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Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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