[Eric] How to set default directory paths in Eric4?

Gadget/Steve GadgetSteve at live.co.uk
Sun Jul 8 19:18:59 BST 2012

On 08/07/2012 5:41 PM, Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> Hello Geert,
> you won't believe it but that hasn't been built in. eric uses the
> standard behavior of the QFileDialog, when no "directory" is given.
> According to the docs it will use the current working directory. Which
> situations would you suggest to be changed?
> Regards,
> Detlev
Just to add my 2c worth.  Personally I would like the file open and new
file save to both default to the current project directory,
alternatively, or if no project is open, some of the IDEs/Editors that I
use always default to the current in view files directory for file open
and the last file with a directory that was viewed for saving a new
file.  Other than that it would be nice to have a "working" directory


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