[Eric] cx_freeze error

Anthony Boudouvas anthony-b at mediatel.gr
Wed Mar 12 18:21:05 GMT 2008

Thanks for the fix, it works correctly now!
One more question about plugins and new Eric versions: Let's say i have 
4.1.1 and have installed several of them. When i install a new snapshot 
version, the plugins are remain intact or i just have to go to the plugin 
repository menu, do an update and then "close and instal" ??

Thanks again.

>The original problem why cx_freeze didn't work was, that you >haven't 
configured a main script. However, this message >couldn't be shown due to a 
bug. A new version of the plugin is >available in the plugin repository.
On Mittwoch, 12. März 2008, Anthony Boudouvas wrote:
> Hi,
> I have install cx_freexe plugin on Eric 4.1.1 on Windows XP and when I 
> try to invoke it from the menu, it gives me the following error message:
> (Project type that I work on is a simple "Console" project. 
> FreezePython is installed on c:\python25 directory, is working ok from 
> outside Eric and the plug-in seems to be working from inside Eric but 
> on a project of type
> Qt4Gui...)
> --- ERROR message
> Warning:
> An unhandled exception occurred. Please report the problem using the 
>error  reporting dialog or via email to <eric4-bugs at die-offenbachs.de>. 
>A log has  been written to "C:\Documents and  
> Error information:
>- ----
> 2008-03-12, 18:02:39
>- ----
> <type 'exceptions.NameError'>:
> global name 'KQMessageBox' is not defined
>- ----
> File "C:\Documents and
> Settings\MainUser\_eric4\eric4plugins\PluginCxFreeze.py", line 178, in  
>__cxfreeze  KQMessageBox.critical(None,
>- ----
> Version Numbers:
> Python 2.5.1
> Qt 4.3.3
> PyQt4 4.3.3
> sip sip version not available
> QScintilla 2-snapshot-20071205
> eric4 4.1.1 (r1972)
> Platform: win32
> 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
> Any clues ??
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Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de
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