tips for using eric for micropython?

Christian Haul c.haul at
Sat Sep 3 19:18:03 BST 2022

Hi Detlev,
aparently I'm missing something in the settings.

The REPL works fine even including completion (by the board of course). In an editor buffer, completion works for
QtScintilla (i.e., based on the buffer's content). I have enabled auto completion providers Eric, Jedi, QtScintilla,
Rope and same for call-tips providers. Disabling all but eric does not change anything.

Project is defined as "Micropython"/"Other".

For example, there is no suggestion for methods and properties for "machine" (after "import machine")

I didn't spot a plugin for µPy. The eric assistant plugin is installed.

When looking at ~/eric_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/eric7/APIs/MicroPython/micropython.api it looks like it should
do something: There are 131 lines starting "machine".

Is there a description of the file format? Even a tool for extracting from original py files or via introspection on the

If I would want to add a specific flavor for the ESP8266 port - would it be sufficient to put another .api file
("micropython_esp8266.api") in that location?

As for the workflow. At the moment I code in an editor and use the "run on device" button. When things become more
stable, I plan to move those stable parts to separate files and upload them while keeping the main one, i.e.,
initialization and control loop, in this workflow until done or doing detached tests.

If this works out, I'd be happy to provide a howto. Anything that I could use for inspiration / format?


Am 03.09.22 um 18:54 schrieb Detlev Offenbach:
> Hi Chris,
> when typing in the MicroPython console ther is no completion available as all the code is executed on the micro
> controller. The suggested workflow is to code your project on the host computer using the eric Assistant completions
> with the provided MicroPython API files. However, I cannot guarantee that these are complete and 100% in line with the
> MicroPython or CircuitPython libraries. Patches and updates to these API files are welcome.
> Once you reach a sufficient code maturity, you can copy these files onto the µController using the built in µPy file
> management UI.
> Hope this helps a little bit. Once you worked out a workflow for you, I would be happy to get a HowTo on this topic.
> Regards,
> Detlev
> Am 03.09.22 um 18:23 schrieb Christian Haul:
>> Hi list,
>> I have recently started using Eric7 22.9 for micropython on an ESP8266 (Wemos D1 mini to be precise) and it works nicely.
>> However, I'm missing API hints and validation. Is there a way to tell Eric about the environment and provide feedback on
>> misspelled method names and get auto-completion?
>> How do others setup Eric with uPy? Do you put all libs into your workspace?
>> TIA,
>> Chris.

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