[Eric] Eric5.bat console window

Victor Varvariuc victor.varvariuc at gmail.com
Fri Feb 18 11:22:21 GMT 2011

I would like to suggest changing some of the .bat scripts for Eric on
Windows. I am using Eric5, but i think the same applies to Eric4.
The problem with the eric5.bat is the following:

> While running a command line program or some GUI initiated from command
> line on Windows, there is always a black console window on the screen. This
> sometime becomes annoying. For example, when you start the Eric Python IDE
> on Windows, normally you start it by calling a batch file “eric4.bat” which
> calls the actual eric4.py script sequentially. Since Eric4 is designed to be
> a GUI program, the black console window has no use but it is there.

I found a way to start eric5.bat without the console window:

> @echo off
> rem Start Eric5 with command line parameters
> set CURRDIR=%~dp0
> start "%CURRDIR%\pythonw.exe" "%CURRDIR%\Lib\site-packages\eric5\eric5.pyw"
> %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

This is not only hiding console window. It also uses relative pathes. So it
makes .bat scripts more portable.
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