[QScintilla] Main selection color is not changed properly in some cases

Scener Spanish spscener84 at gmail.com
Sun May 12 19:29:24 BST 2019

> It works for me. The main selection is blue and the previous selection
> turns green.

Mmm, strange... are you sure you followed the right steps I'd posted on the
other forum (I'd also posted some videos)?

In any case, probably my explanation this time wasn't good enough (sorry
for my bad english btw :)), let me try again:

- Test0 (a)
: Check this video, my assumption is these are the steps you followed when
run test0.py. Probably you just selected something (no control key pressed
before starting the multiselection) and then you pressed CTRL making
another selection, in this case it will work fine and your main selection
will always be blue and the additional selections will always be green, no
bug here, so far so good

- Test0 (b)
: On this video, I run test0.py and before making any selection I press
Ctrl and then I start making additional selections, in this case you'll see
the blue color won't be used (instead is used that gray one), this is the
BUG i'm referring to. Please make sure you test it this way... Also, at the
beginning of this thread I've mentioned I'm using windows7 over here.

> Yes, the last selection is grey.

Cool you can reproduce that one as this is a bug :)

> I can't really see how this is a QScintilla-specific problem as it's not
> really doing anything.

 I don't know anything about QScintilla source code so I can't tell but
I've tested like the last 12 versions of wscite and the bug wouldn't show up
there... so there must be something fishy going on here on QScintilla...
you're the expert here :D

In any case, the idea is I'll be creating commands that will create
multiple selections programatically (like SublimeText) but the fact
there is this weird creepy main selection with a different color than the
additional selections is really bad and ugly... So hopefully this can
be fixed ;)
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