[QScintilla] QsciLexerCSS bug for styling CSS comments.

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Thu Jul 4 12:16:36 BST 2019

Hi Folks (and especially Phil),

It appears that all comments are ignored for styling by the QsciLexerCSS
class. See attached screenshot for an example of this in the Mu editor.

I've tried to discover the correct style number for the matching of CSS
comments (I assumed it'd be "comment" i.e. 9) but this doesn't have any
effect on the rendered text. As far as I can tell, unmatched text
fragments should use the default style, but this is blatantly not the
case -- i.e. the comment block is matched as NOT default and NOT
comment, so what exactly is it matched as (and how do I style it?)..?

To reproduce, set a QsciLexerCSS instance as the lexer of a
QsciScintilla instance, then try to change the styling for comments.

Thanks in advance for your help with this,

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