[QScintilla] Editor with a custom lexer keeps flashing when editing

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Fri Jun 10 18:36:10 BST 2016

On 31 May 2016, at 11:47 pm, agarny at hellix.com wrote:
>>> Is the Qt update the only change? Can be behaviour be reproduced in a
>>> simple, self-contained example?
>> The only thing that is different is indeed the fact that I have
>> upgraded Qt from version 5.4.2 to version 5.5.1. Everything else is
>> the same, i.e. same version of OS X (10.11.5) and Xcode (7.3.1).
>> I am going to see whether I can come up with a simple, self-contained example.
> Ok, I have just modified your example (so that it now makes use of my lexer) and I can confirm that the 'problem' I reported is indeed present (the code can be downloaded from https://www.dropbox.com/s/jhvrifo23vn72qv/example-Qt4Qt5.zip).
> Once you have built and started your example, simply paste the following code:
> ---------------------------------------
> def model my_model as
> enddef;
> ---------------------------------------
> From there, just try to edit the first line and you should see that line flashing repeatedly. With my 'fix', the problem disappears, but is it a good fix?...

Should be fixed in tonight's snapshot. Patch below.

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