[QScintilla] QScintilla crash upon second word separator in a string

Jack Cosgrove jackcosgrove at gmail.com
Sat Mar 17 17:58:48 GMT 2012


I am encountering crashes when I try to use autocomplete to fill in
function arguments using the Python lexer. For example, given an API
entry of "foo.bar(foo, bar)", I will always be prompted for foo and bar,
but if I accept the autocompletion for "bar" and then type an opening
parenthesis my app crashes.

Attached is a small example demonstrating this behavior. Type in "fo",
accept the suggestion, then ".", accept "bar", then "(" to replicate.

However, if you type in "fo", accept, then ".bar(", then delete the "(",
you can then type "(" again and encounter the function argument
suggestion. After this happens the first time the application never
crashes, even if replicating the first procedure on a new line.

Thanks to all who reply for your help!
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