[QScintilla] Redefine QSciLexer.wordCharacters() in Python

Andrei Kopats hlamer at tut.by
Tue Feb 28 13:22:28 GMT 2012

> I'm surprised anybody would write a new lexer in Python - better to do it
> in C++ and push it upstream.

1) My lexer uses pygments python module internally to parse the code.
2) Such approach allows me to have working Scheme lexer Today. If I pushed
it to the upstream, long years would pass, before this lexer is installed
in Debian stable and available for end user.

> That said it should be possible - is that the only thing that needs to be
> changed?
It seems, for my concrete problem I need only wordCharacters.
But, to avoid such problems in the future, it would be very good, if you
created bindings for all virtual methods, which are available in C++

> Phil

Andrei Kopats
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