[QScintilla] Case in-sensitive autocompletion

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Thu Feb 24 10:32:54 GMT 2011

On Thu, 17 Feb 2011 07:31:05 +0000, Andrei Kopats <hlamer at tut.by> wrote:
> Hello
> I use WrapNone line wrapping sltyle, because would like to use 
> horizontal scroll bar for long lines. But, I dislike, that horizontal 
> scrollbar is always visible, even if I don't need it. (I need it not so 
> often, because long lines are prohibited by coding style)
> Why don't you use Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded hor the horizontal scroll bar?

Because it wouldn't make any difference. The underlying Scintilla code
(for reasons of speed) does not provide accurate information about the
state of the horizontal scrollbar.


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